
Fraction Farms Started from a Need.

Fraction Farms was born from the idea of helping others. With a group of volunteers, Fraction Farms works to grow sustainable, healthy foods that can be donated to those in need.

As an organization, the Fraction Farms team recognized the need for ‘week-tight compartments of food’ for families that might hover around the poverty line. These families often go without food or choose less nutritional options due to their low cost or ease of preparation. These families also often might not participate in “traditional food bank programs” (though we love and support these organizations as well) and need direct support.

With an ever-evolving set of goals, Fraction Farms aims to provide this direct support by growing and donating food to organizations with distribution networks to families in need. This direct food support comes in the form of:

  • Weekly food “boxes” with all fresh foods needed to prepare several meals easily
  • Mass food donations to organizations that have resources to store and distribute fresh foods
  • Smaller donations to organizations with members in need, such as community outreach organizations

What’s with the name?

As you can tell, we’re really into fractions. Not the idea of breaking things apart, but the idea of doing/growing/creating more at the fraction of the cost/land/resources.

When Fraction Farms was first forming it’s volunteers couldn’t help but notice that for a FRACTION of the cost of “grown food” from a supermarket, one could grow the food. So for the same amount of money that could buy 100 pounds of produce, one could feasibly grow 1000 pounds of fresh, local produce.

Along with this, new, innovative farming and growing techniques allow for the growth of much more produce in a fraction of the space. Utilizing various methods allow for maximization of space, which is why Fraction Farms is also committed to growing in higher-density areas with lower land sizes. This not only helps to keep resources close, but also helps grow oxygen producing / carbon dioxide consuming plants in high-density urban areas where it’s needed.

So, we’re growing more food than we could buy (and then donate) at a fraction of the cost.

What’s the future of Fraction Farms?

In 2021, Fraction Farms became part of the 501c3 non-profit organization, El Prado. El Prado’s ongoing mission supports different food production and education initiatives allowing for community members to donate funding, time and materials to the cause. We look forward to continuing growing (food) and growing (size)!